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Study shows that ondoms are also 98% effective at preventing pregnancy, which means 2% percent womens face unwanted pregnancy or face HIV AIDs virus affection. So it’s important to learn the safety of it.
Allergies are the only possible side effects of using latex condoms. To prevent the spread of the HIV virus, the use of latex condoms is necessary, so that’s why so many governments promotes to use it, and even they purchase it and freely send to community to let people use it more convenient, some international organizations also donate condoms into developing countries in Africa.
Increased, latex products increased allergy. Showed immediately after contact with latex products urticaria, rhinitis, conjunctivitis, asthma Asthma, high blood pressure and shock. General contact with latex products and allergy history are prone to occur, such as medical staff, latex factory workers, Have had a genitourinary system diseases. In this regard, medical staff must be vigilant.
Another safety issue is the breakage in use. This mainly due to the mistake in use lead to condom’s failure, so please read the instruction when open the box, and pay attention to squeeze the condom nipple’s air out in wear process, or it will easily breakage.
Choose quality condom or branded products will also make sure the safety, and also need make sure use it within valid time. if you want quality branded condom, welcome email us directly: [email protected]