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When consumers used to the normal types condom, the new trend is the Ultra thin condoms are the perfect way for a close, sensual experience with your partner without compromising on security and protection. They have been specially formulated to be thinner than any other condom, with smooth premium latex and extra lubrication for a natural look and intimate feel. Such as normal thickness at 0.06mm, the ultra thin condoms only half of it. The Polyurethane condom can reach the thinnest in thickness in the world, they can up to 0.01mm, such as ROMO 001 condoms.
The Skin Super thin condoms also have an infused light scent of vanilla to avoid the latex smell that is usually associated with condoms. It’s the vanilla flavors mixed in the silicone lubricants and then added into the latex condoms in the foil sealing process.
As a professional custom condom maker, Welcome to inquiry us to custom produce your own label ultra thin condoms!
Email: [email protected]