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Custom Condom

» Custom Condom

black or blank condom wrapper

Custom Condom , , , , , , ,

Plain foil wrapper condom, which is blank empty on one side, another side only printed with LOT MFG and EXP. We have stock of white color foil, black color foil, and gold foil in stock, if you has others color foil request, we also can custom produce for you.

If you has any new ideas on condom, our engineers also pleasure to work out for you, now the circular shape foil also possible for custom print, welcome inquiry us by email.

  • Product Description
Features White or black foil condom’s Specifications & Details 
Brand Blank foil wrapper condom
Special features Plain foil wrapper condom, which is blank empty on one side, another side only printed with LOT MFG and EXP. We have stock of white color foil, black color foil, and gold foil in stock, if you has others color foil request, we also can custom produce for you.

Some clients always buy the blank condom, and spray their own image or label on it and then sell to their clients, so we have enough stock of the black or white or blank foiled condom for clients choice, welcome inquiry us to check if has stock.

Type Plain condom
Shape straight parallel
Texture smooth/textured both are workable
Color natural latex colors
Flavor Unflavored or flavored
Material fine quality imported natural rubber latex
Thickness 0.06 mm
Width/Length 49x170mm; 52x180mm; 56mm x 190mm
Contact [email protected]

Welcome inquiry us of plain foil wrapper condoms! we also can custom produce for your own color foiled condom. such as black condom wrapper or white or blank wrapper condoms.

Enquiry Form (we will get back to you ASAP)


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  • Advantage

    Premium Quality
    Ultra Thin
    Soft Feeling
    Stable quality control
    100% good in credit
    Refund Assurance

  • Contact

    welcome visit us in site
    Email: [email protected]