Женские презервативы еще называют внутренними презервативами., вагинальный презерватив или вставное устройство. Это мощные инструменты для удовольствия и профилактики.. Our company’s engineers can custom make it under clients own brand. Как фабрика презервативов на заказ, we have the equipments and technology. Женские презервативы – надежный и эффективный барьерный метод контрацепции и защиты от инфекций, передающихся половым путем.. …
Asia is the world’s latex condom production base, mainly located at China, Малайзия, Таиланд, Korea, Japan, Vietnam and India. As one of the main Indian condom companies, Cupid Limited is an India-based custom condom manufacturing company. The Company is engaged in manufacturing and supplying male condoms, female condoms and lubricating jelly. Okamoto condom is Japan’s top level condom company, который …
As a custom condom factory approved by CE Certificate, we can supply for European clients in their own label, which means own logo condom and own logo intimate lubricants, welcome all the EU clients inquiry us by email. Condom belong to IIB medical device, So it has to register before sell into market. And European authority need the CE certificate …