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MANGO flavored dotted condoms are designed not only to protect against sexually transmitted infections (ИППП) and unwanted pregnancies but also offer the same level of protection as standard condoms, ensuring that you can enjoy the added features without compromising on safety.
запросПродукт: Premium Natural Latex Rubber dotted/spotted Condom
Текстура: пунктирный, увеличить стимуляцию, обеспечить дополнительный уровень ощущений для обоих партнеров, усиление удовольствия и усиление ощущений.
Вкус: вкус МАНГО, добавление чувства веселья и возбуждения к вашим сексуальным контактам. Аромат маскирует типичный вкус латекса., сделать опыт более приятным и приятным.
Цвет: натуральный прозрачный, we can also customize colored dotted condoms as long as the quantity reaches to a MOQ.
Adding mango flavored точечные презервативы to your sexual health routine can bring a new dimension of pleasure and safety. They are designed not only to protect against sexually transmitted infections (ИППП) and unwanted pregnancies but also offer the same level of protection as standard condoms, ensuring that you can enjoy the added features without compromising on safety.
Safe sex can be both fun and satisfying. Welcome customize the unique combination of flavored and textured condoms.
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