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rubber condom

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Diversi tipi di materiali per preservativi

Features Different condom material Details & Requirements Brand OEM brand/logo different material of condom Special features Condoms can also be made from materials such as latex, poliuretano, polyisoprene, and lambskin, or others natural materials. Latex condoms are the most popular prodcued, and latex condoms come with many different textures, colori, sapori. which take up more than 90% of market share. …

poliuretano 001 preservativi non in lattice

Features Polyurethane Non Latex Condoms Details & Requirements Brand OEM/ODM or Custom brand Special features Polyurethane condoms are made of non-latex material. It has same high effective in preventing STIs/STDs and unwanted pregnancy. They are designed to transmit natural body heat. They are super-thin, yet strong and made from clear, inodore, medical grade polyurethane. It is a good choice

  • Vantaggio

    Qualità premium
    Ultra sottile
    Sensazione morbida
    Controllo di qualità stabile
    100% buono a credito
    Garanzia di rimborso

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