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rubber condom

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Diferentes tipos de materiales de condones.

Características Diferentes materiales del condón Detalles & Requirements Brand OEM brand/logo different material of condom Special features Condoms can also be made from materials such as latex, poliuretano, poliisopreno, y piel de cordero, or others natural materials. Los condones de látex son los productos más populares., y los condones de látex vienen con muchas texturas diferentes., colores, sabores. which take up more than 90% of market share. …

poliuretano 001 condones sin latex

Features Polyurethane Non Latex Condoms Details & Requirements Brand OEM/ODM or Custom brand Special features Polyurethane condoms are made of non-latex material. It has same high effective in preventing STIs/STDs and unwanted pregnancy. They are designed to transmit natural body heat. They are super-thin, yet strong and made from clear, libre de olores, medical grade polyurethane. It is a good choice

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