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fruit condom flavors

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Lista de sabores de preservativos

how to make your own condom unique or different with others? This a good question most clients ask us. Our answer is difficult, but flavored condom is a easy way. Regular condom can offer clients basic protection from HIV or unwanted pregnancy, but consumers always want to get more fun from condoms product, that’s why we designed some new condoms, …

Fabricante de preservativos perfumados populares e personalizados

Scented condoms come in a variety of fragrances, are designed to add a new dimension of pleasure and sensation to sexual experiences. Popular scents including strawberry, baunilha, and chocolate. Flower’s fragrance is main types, another is the fruit flavors. Scented condoms can enhance sexual pleasure by adding a sensory element to the experience. The fragrances are said to stimulate the

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