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poliuretano 001 preservativos sem látex

001 Preservativo, Preservativo de poliuretano , , , , , , ,

Polyurethane condoms are designed to transmit natural body heat. They are super-thin, yet strong and made from clear, livre de odor, medical grade polyurethane.

  • Descrição do Produto
Características Polyurethane Non Latex Condoms Details & Requisitos
Marca OEM/ODM or Custom brand
Características especiais Polyurethane condoms are made of non-latex material. It has same high effective in preventing STIs/STDs and unwanted pregnancy.

They are designed to transmit natural body heat. They are super-thin, yet strong and made from clear, livre de odor, medical grade polyurethane. It is a good choice for people who’re latex allergic. The cons of polyurethane condom is higher cost than latex condoms. Not everyone can afford them. So we still recommend them choose the rubber condom is first choice.

Tipo preservativo sem látex
Forma Em linha reta,paralelo
Textura planície lisa
Cor transparente
Sabor Sabor sem sabor ou personalizado
Material medical grade polyurethane
Espessura 0.02±0,01 mm
Largura/Comprimento 53x180mm
Contato [email protected]

Welcome inquiry us to make your own label polyurethane non latex condoms, or own brand 001 preservativos.

se você tiver alguma nova ideia sobre preservativo, welcome contact our enginnering team, temos o prazer de trabalhar para você, it’s really interesting if we can offer the world a new product which can make people safe and happy.


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