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Lubrificante Pessoal

» Lubrificante Pessoal

Lubrificante pessoal comestível VS lubrificante pessoal de qualidade alimentar

Lubrificante Pessoal, Gel lubrificante à base de água , , , , ,

For intimate activities, edible lubricants are generally sufficient and more tailored to enhancing sexual experiences.

  • Descrição do Produto
Characteristics Edible Personal Lubricant Food-Grade Personal Lubricant
Intended Use Edible personal lubricants are specifically formulated for intimate use and are designed to be safe if ingested in small amounts during sexual activities, such as oral sex. Food-grade personal lubricants meet specific safety and quality standards set for food products. This means they are safe for consumption in larger quantities and are often suitable for use in food preparation or packaging.
Safety for Consumption These lubricants are formulated to be safe if ingested in small quantities during sexual activity. This term typically refers to products that meet specific regulatory standards for food safety, meaning they are safe for consumption in larger quantities and could be used in food preparation or packaging.
Formulation They often contain ingredients like water, glicerina, propileno glicol, natural or artificial flavorings, and preservatives. They are made from ingredients that are safe for consumption even in larger amounts, often including food-grade preservatives, flavorings, e outros aditivos.
Purpose Primarily intended to enhance sexual experiences by providing lubrication and, in some cases, a pleasant taste. While they can be used for intimate activities, they are also suitable for other applications that might involve direct contact with food.
Regulation They are regulated by health and safety standards applicable to personal care products, not food products. Must meet food safety regulations and are tested to ensure they are safe for consumption in larger quantities.

While both edible and food-grade personal lubricants are safe for oral use, food-grade lubricants adhere to higher safety standards suitable for larger consumption. For intimate activities, edible lubricants are generally sufficient and more tailored to enhancing sexual experiences. The most of personal lubricants on the market for oral are edible personal lubricants.

If you’re interest in the edible lubricant, bem-vindo entre em contato conosco. O email: [email protected]

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