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Preservativo in poliuretano più sottile

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Preservativi più sottili 2024 nel mondo

Features Thinnest condoms Specification Brand Custom/OEM Clients own logo or brand Special features What’s the thinnest latex condoms? They are made from the highest quality natural rubber latex, ultra-thin (around 0.035 to 0.045mm) to heighten the feeling between you and your partner. If you can accept polyurethane condom, then the thinnest condom is 001 preservativi in ​​poliuretano, which is really the

Ultrasottile invisibile 001 Natural Latex Condoms factory

No consumer want to wear the condom, so they tend to choose the thin feel condom if they have to wear it. The thin feel can make them feel like wear nothing, just like no wear. That’s the key reason why so many consumers want to try the 001 preservativi, e 001 002 003 also becames a sign of thin

poliuretano 001 preservativi non in lattice

Features Polyurethane Non Latex Condoms Details & Requirements Brand OEM/ODM or Custom brand Special features Polyurethane condoms are made of non-latex material. It has same high effective in preventing STIs/STDs and unwanted pregnancy. They are designed to transmit natural body heat. They are super-thin, yet strong and made from clear, inodore, medical grade polyurethane. It is a good choice

PU non in lattice 001 Pianta dei preservativi

PU non in lattice 001 Pianta dei preservativi

Caratteristiche 001 Condoms Specifications Brand OEM/ODM Non Latex PU 001 Condoms Special features 001 is the thinnest polyurethane condom in the world. Questo è un preservativo nuovo di zecca sul mercato. La categoria di preservativi non in lattice presenta entrambi i preservativi in ​​​​poliuretano. These condom types have materials which feel like latex but are safe for people with a latex allergy and are known to transmit

Il più venduto 001 Preservativo in poliuretano più sottile

Caratteristiche Specifiche Marca OEM /ODM 001 Thinnest Polyurethane Condom Special features 001 I preservativi in ​​poliuretano più sottili sono preservativi in ​​poliuretano senza lattice che sono quasi invisibili, e indispensabile per le persone allergiche al lattice. Names thin condoms, preservativi d'aria, polyurethane condom Shape straight/parallel Texture smooth Color natural transparent Flavor Unflavored or flavored Material top quality polyurethane Thickness 0.01-0.02 mm Width/Length 55x190mm

  • Vantaggio

    Qualità premium
    Ultra sottile
    Sensazione morbida
    Controllo di qualità stabile
    100% buono a credito
    Garanzia di rimborso

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