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Lubrificante personale

» Lubrificante personale

azienda produttrice di lubrificanti personali a contratto dalla Cina

Lubrificante personale ,

As a professional personal lubricant contract manufacturing company, we can custom produce clients own brand lube, welcome inquiry us by email to custom make your owns lubricants.

  • Descrizione del prodotto

Come professionista personal lubricant contract manufacturing company, we can custom produce clients own brand lube, there are total 4 types lube are best seller for us, water based lube, silicone based lube, flavor edible lube and the delay lube.

Except for the regular 4 types lube, we also announced alien type lube for clients, such as the heat or cool lube, and the tingling feel lubricant, which will boost the sexual sensatation. The delay lube also is another better option for consumers, they not only lubricated the love, it also can prolong the love, any new ideas on the personal lube also is welcome, i nostri ingegneri sono lieti di lavorare per te.

As the lube always sell together with condom, so some countries take it as IIB medical device, some take it as cosmetic skin care lotion product, and some countries take out it from medical range, so it can sell as regular normal goods, no limitation now.

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    Qualità premium
    Ultra sottile
    Sensazione morbida
    Controllo di qualità stabile
    100% buono a credito
    Garanzia di rimborso

  • Contatto

    benvenuto a trovarci nel sito
    E-mail: [email protected]