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Preservativo per la lingua di gatto del punto G

Preservativi originali , , , , , ,

Cat Tongue Condom means that condom has a shape similar to cat tongue. There are more than 2000pcs particles, distributing on condom large and dense. It provides strong stimulation and enhance users experience.

  • Descrizione del prodotto
Caratteristiche G-spot cat tongue condoms 2024 specificazione
Marca Custom/OEM G-spot Cat Tongue Condom
Caratteristiche speciali Cat Tongue Condom means that condom has a shape similar to cat tongue. There are more than 2000pcs particles, distributing on condom large and dense. It provides strong stimulation and enhance users experience.

It is made of imported Thailand premium natural latex. Their new and special appearance attract consumer’s attention easily. While preventing pregnancy and reducing sexual transmitted diseases, this special textured dotted condoms add a tingling sensation during use and add much fun for both partners.

There are so many different types condom in the market, this new G spot condom really can give her the higher level of stimulation.

genere strutturato
Forma Dritto, parallelo
Struttura Punteggiato
Colore naturale
Gusto Unflavored or custom flavor such as banana, fragola, vaniglia, cioccolato, mint and so on.
Materiale lattice naturale premium
Spessore 0.06-0.09mm
Larghezza lunghezza 52-54mm
Contatto [email protected]

Come fabbrica professionale di preservativi personalizzati, we also manufacture other different types of condoms. Benvenuto, chiedici.

Modulo di richiesta (ci metteremo in contatto con voi al più presto)


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  • Vantaggio

    Qualità premium
    Ultra sottile
    Sensazione morbida
    Controllo di qualità stabile
    100% buono a credito
    Garanzia di rimborso

  • Contatto

    benvenuto a trovarci nel sito
    E-mail: [email protected]