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Preservativo a punta

» Preservativo unico » Preservativo a punta

preservativo da solletico francese- Penis sleeves reviews

Preservativo a punta , , , , ,

I preservativi francesi Tickler sono anche chiamati preservativi a spillo. Sono preservativi con dossi extra, noccioli, costole, creste o forme per una sensazione extra

  • Descrizione del prodotto
Caratteristiche french tickler condom’s Details
Marca Clients own brand or own logo
Caratteristiche speciali francese Ticklers condoms also named preservativi a punta. They are condoms with extra protrusion,bumps, noccioli, costole, creste o forme per una sensazione extra. These extra protrusion will easiy touch the female’s G spot, and help them reach orgasm, so this type condom also called G spot condoms. There are total 30 types of different shape spike condom in our list, or we also can custom make your own designed shape spike condoms.

They not only can protect you from unwanted pregnancy and HIV/AIDs, they also can give you more sexual fun and stimulate your partner reach orgasm more easily.

genere Preservativo a punta
Forma Asta dritta con punta in gomma
Struttura Pianura(liscio); textured surface
Colore rosso, verde, giallo
Gusto Non aromatizzato
Materiale lattice
Spessore 0.05-0.06 mm
Larghezza lunghezza 52±2mm/180mm; 56±2 mm/190 mm
Contatto [email protected]

As a private label condom supplier, We can customize customer’s own brand or own shape french tickler condom, richiesta di benvenuto noi via e-mail.

Such as our hammerhead condom is just one random idea from one Holland clients, they use it as a gift for their Magazine.

Modulo di richiesta (ci metteremo in contatto con voi al più presto)


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