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Preservativo personalizzato

» Preservativo personalizzato

Preservativo punteggiato grande extra divertente per più sensazioni

Preservativo personalizzato , , , , , , , , ,

Big dotted condoms provide extra stimulation for both partners during sexual activity. They enhance sensation and pleasure, leading to a more enjoyable experience for both individuals.

  • Descrizione del prodotto
Caratteristiche Large dotted condom’s Details & Requisiti
Marca OEM brand/logo large dotted condom
Caratteristiche speciali This type condom also named spotted condom. Our this large dotted condom is one novelty condom, also named spike condom too. There are six large dots surround the condoms. They are made of natural rubber latex.

The big raised dots provide extra stimulation for both partners during sexual activity. They enhance sex sensation and orgasm pleasure, leading to a more enjoyable experience for both individuals.

genere big dotted/large dotted
Forma Straight parallel
Struttura textured of dotted, we can customize many other different types
Colore colore: colore originale del lattice naturale, dots: red/green/blue/yellow etc.
Gusto Sapore non aromatizzato o personalizzato
Materiale premium quality natural latex
Spessore 0.06 mm
Larghezza lunghezza 52x180 mm
Contatto [email protected]

Welcome inquiry us to make your own logo of large dotted condoms. We can make 3 dots, 6 dots, 9 dots and so on.

Any new idea of the condoms, our engineers would like to study and make a sample for you. Welcome contact us for further discussion.

Modulo di richiesta (ci metteremo in contatto con voi al più presto)


1 + 9 = ?

Forse ti piace anche

  • Vantaggio

    Qualità premium
    Ultra sottile
    Sensazione morbida
    Controllo di qualità stabile
    100% buono a credito
    Garanzia di rimborso

  • Contatto

    benvenuto a trovarci nel sito
    E-mail: [email protected]