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condones invisibles

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Invisible ultrafino 001 Fábrica de condones de látex natural

No consumer want to wear the condom, so they tend to choose the thin feel condom if they have to wear it. The thin feel can make them feel like wear nothing, just like no wear. That’s the key reason why so many consumers want to try the 001 condones, y 001 002 003 also becames a sign of thin

Condones ultrasensibles vs regulares

Condones ultrasensibles vs regulares

Features Sensitive condom’s Specifications Brand OEM/ODM Ultra Sensitivity Condoms Special features Ultra Sensitivity Condoms also named invisible condoms, condones ultra delgados. Están diseñados para maximizar la sensibilidad., sin dejar de proporcionar un alto nivel de seguridad y protección. Tipo condones ultrafinos Forma recta/paralela Textura suave Color natural/coloreado Sabor sin sabor o con sabor Material Látex de caucho natural premium de primera calidad Espesor 0.03,0.04,0.05 Anchura longitud …

  • Ventaja

    Calidad premium
    Sensación suave
    control de calidad estable
    100% bueno en credito
    Garantía de reembolso

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