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Condón personalizado

» Condón personalizado

proveedor de condones sin caseína

Condón personalizado , , , ,

As a professional condom plant, we can make clients own brand casein free condoms, Bienvenido a consultarnos por correo electrónico. we can make sample order for you.

  • Descripción del producto

Most of these branded condom still made from latex, casein is usually used in the manufacturing process. Casein is a protein derived from cow’s milk, so it’s not vegan. But instead of casein, plant-based ingredients, like vegetable binding extract, are used to soften and smooth the surface of condoms.

There is also a new material condom is casein free, it’s preservativo de poliuretano. These condoms can be made from synthetic materials, like polyurethane, a type of plastic. Polyurethane is durable, it’s casein free condom, but it’s not biodegradable. it’s the least irritating condoms. We also once got inquiry of the Nitrosamine free condom, and it’s confirmed all the condoms up to it.

Welcome inquiry us to make your own brand casein free condoms.

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