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Condón personalizado

» Condón personalizado

Condones lubricados con ácido hialurónico y humectantes de aloe vera

Condón personalizado , , , , ,

When incorporated into condoms, aloe vera helps to moisturize and soothe the skin, reducing friction and discomfort. This is particularly beneficial for individuals who may experience dryness or sensitivity during intimate activities, hyaluronic acid provides superior lubrication, ensuring a smoother and more comfortable experience for both partners. This reduces friction and enhances pleasure, making intimate moments more enjoyable.

  • Descripción del producto

Description of Aloe Vera Moisturizing and Hyaluronic Acid Lubricated Condoms:

Condom type: condón ultra delgado

Color: transparente natural

tamaño: 52*180mm


Sabor: non-flavor or customize flavor according to client’s need

Lubricante: moisture aloe vera hyaluronic acid lubricant

When incorporated into condoms, aloe vera helps to moisturize and soothe the skin, reducing friction and discomfort. This is particularly beneficial for individuals who may experience dryness or sensitivity during intimate activities, hyaluronic acid provides superior lubrication, ensuring a smoother and more comfortable experience for both partners. This reduces friction and enhances pleasure, making intimate moments more enjoyable.

Aloe Vera Moisturizing and Hyaluronic Acid Lubricated Condoms offer a solution that prioritizes comfort and pleasure without compromising on protection. Whether you’re looking to enhance comfort, reduce irritation, or simply enjoy a more natural feel, these condoms offer a comprehensive solution.

Welcom inquire us: [email protected]


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